Who sparked the beginning of a Fresh New World? Scroll down and see the success story of Mentos.

Van Melle was foundedvan Melle founded in Breskens, Netherlands.

Mentos becomes a realityOn a train ride to Poland, brothers Michael and Pierre van Melle came up with the vision of a peppermint flavored caramel candy to go by the name of Mentos. This was the beginning of a Fresh New World.

Perfetti was foundedPerfetti founded in Lainate, near Milan.

New Mentos productionMentos production moved to Rotterdam. International orders to France, Germany and the UK marked the beginning of the New Freshness spreading across the world.

Mentos in a rollThe sixties! Revolutions in fashion, sex, music and Mentos. The first Mentos roll found its way to consumers across the globe.

New Mentos varietiesWhile the original Mentos was tickling the taste buds of The King of Nepal, new varieties were introduced. In the US, Mentos lovers got to try cinnamon and menthol, while European addicts were presented with fruit flavored mints.

First TV CommercialMentos made its small screen debut with the first Fresh TV commercial.

The FreshmakerMentos introduced the Fresh maker campaign that proved to be right on target: straight after its introduction Mentos sales went through the roof!

Perfetti Van Melle MergerThe year 2001 was a special year for Mentos that saw the Dutch company van Melle and the Italian company Perfetti join forces, making Mentos available in shops everywhere.

Introduced Mentos GumMentos Gum made its debut in Europe and beyond. The refreshing taste, the unique shape and texture and many different flavors found new fans everywhere.

Mentos Gum comes to MENAMentos Gums were introduced in MENA with Mentos Ice Gum range

Setting World RecordsThe World Record was set for the most Diet Coke and Mentos explosions at one time. The record was set on Fountain Square in Downtown Cincinnati, OH.

Introduced Mentos BottlesMentos White gum bottles introduced in MENA

Launch Of Liquid Filled GumMentos introduced liquid filled gum for instant freshness and a burst of juicy fruity flavor.

Introducing Mentos PurefreshMentos Pure Fresh was introduced to the region with 2 exciting flavors.

Launch Of Mentos 3DAnother first for the region as Mentos introduced the 3 layered Mentos 3D in 3 exciting flavors

Mentos Goes DigitalMentos went digital in the region by setting up the Mentos Arabia website and opening up a facebook account. Since then Mentos Social presence has continued to grow, with hundreds of thousands of consumers continuously engaging with our brands

Give Them A MentosMentos rolls out the #givethemamentos TV commercial, which builds up on the Fresh Thinking platforms of yesteryears

Pure Fresh For Pure BreathMentos launched the new TV commercial for Mentos Pure Fresh gum.

Mentos WIFIMentos WiFi’ is a light-hearted reminder that the experience of a real life connection can’t be replaced

Mentos Pure Fresh RollMentos launches two new pure fesh Chewing Gum rolls in MENA which are fresh mint & bubble fresh